PRP Injections


What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet-rich plasma (or PRP) treatments utilize your body’s own growth factors to invigorate your hair, skin, and body. Your blood is made up of four main components: red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. For PRP treatment, we draw a sample of your blood, stay hydrated 24 hours prior to your appointment, and isolate these last two components, plasma and platelets. The resulting fluid is known as platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, which is rich in growth factors and provides a naturally occurring injectable for cellular support, tissue regeneration and enhancing collagen. These concentrated platelets can be utilized for facial rejuvenation, hair restoration, body rejuvenation and improved sexual health.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Facial

PRP can be a great addition to your Microneedling treatment (link to microneedling page) or Morpheus8 treatment (link to morpheus page) as the healthy growth factors will penetrate deeper into the skin layers, enhancing your results. Due to the tiny micro-injuries, there are channels created to allow the PRP product to dive deeper. This will improve the amount of collagen and elastin while also delivering healthy growth factors throughout your skin. This is a great treatment option to improve skin texture, improve acne/surgical scarring, decrease pore size and improve fine lines and wrinkles.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Breast Lift

This treatment is a non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment to enhance cleavage and give a minimal lift to the breasts. By injecting your own body’s growth factors into the breast tissue, it can help to naturally enhance the breast shape even for women with implants. This procedure will not increase the size of your breasts that is expected with a breast augmentation (link) or fat grafting however, it can help round out the top portion of the breast that may have experienced volume loss. Results will continue to improve in the months to come and additional treatments may be needed depending on your goals.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Facelift

PRP injections to the face are a great option for patients who are not yet ready for dermal filler (link) or may want to enhance their dermal filler. The addition of platelet-rich plasma helps to stimulate new collagen and promote healthy skin from the inside out. PRP will be placed in the most common areas for volume restoration such as cheeks, under eyes, pyriform aperture and near the mouth for a full face refresh. These areas can also be enhanced with dermal filler to not only help with skin cell stimulation but enhanced volume as well.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Hair Restoration

Bothered by thinning hair? PRP can be injected into the scalp to promote new hair growth with lasting results. Best results are achieved with 3 treatments every 4-6 weeks.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Female Enhancement

PRP injections for vaginal rejuvenation is a non-surgical treatment that is done in the office to help stimulate vaginal and clitoral revitalization. It also helps alleviate urinary incontinence and vaginal dryness.  

Benefits of this procedure can include increased sexual desire, heightened orgasms, increased arousal and lubrication, reduced urinary incontinence, and improved vaginal dryness.

After drawing a sample of your blood and extracting the PRP, we then inject the plasma into the numbed area around the clitoris and the anterior vaginal wall. This promotes healing and creates new blood vessels and nerves, eliciting improvement in sexual response.

You will most likely notice heightened sensation in the first 3-7 days and new tissue will develop over the next 3-9 weeks. Full results typically take about 3 months. While some patients choose to get the treatment only once, results may vary and some may desire to repeat the procedure. Female PRP enhancement is an in-office procedure that takes about 45 minutes including numbing time. You are able to go home immediately afterward. The best part is that there is no downtime for the procedure.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Male Enhancement

PRP injections for male enhancement is a non-surgical treatment that is done in the office that boosts a man's sexual experience and can help improve erections, sexual sensation and increase girth.

Benefits of this procedure can include increased sexual desire, heightened orgasms, longer lasting erections, increased girth.

After drawing a sample of your blood and extracting the PRP, we then inject the plasma into the numbed area along the shaft and head of the penis to promote healing and create new blood vessels and nerves.

You will most likely notice heightened sensation in the first 3-7 days and new tissue will develop over the next 3-9 weeks. Full results typically take about 3 months. Most commonly, many men will need 2 treatments 1 month apart and repeat the procedure every 6-12 months. Male PRP enhancement is an in-office procedure that takes about 45 minutes including numbing time. You are able to go home immediately afterward. The best part is that there is no downtime for the procedure!

PRP Injection Aftercare

The best part about PRP injections is that there is little to no downtime! You may return to normal activities directly after injections. There is always a possibility of swelling or bruising to the area after any needle poke however this typically resolves after a few days. You will receive details post-care instructions after your treatment.  

Pricing: Varies and Package Pricing Available

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