Non-Binary Other Genital Surgeries



For individuals that identity as non-binary/non-conforming, it can be difficult to find supportive providers who understand you may not conform to traditional ideas of male and female gender expression. Historically, gender-affirming bottom surgery has been binary in nature: Male to Female or Female to Male. At Stiller Aesthetics, we recognize that each and every patient is on an individualized journey and there is no 'one-size-fits-all' category in regards to bottom surgery and gender expression. Whatever appearance best affirms your gender, Dr. Stiller and his team support and will help you reach your goals.

At Stiller Aesthetics there are multiple options we offer for non-binary and non-conforming individuals who were assigned male at birth and are seeking gender-affirming genital surgery.  


An orchiectomy involves removing both testicles through a small incision in the scrotum resulting in sterility and loss of testosterone. Androgen-blockers, as long as discussed with a prescribing physician, may be discontinued after surgery. The interruption of testosterone may also allow individuals to lower their estrogen if desired. Whatever a patients reasons are, Dr. Stiller is there to guide you in making the best decision for you.

Important to mention, if the plan is to perform a vaginoplasty in the future, it is important to leave the scrotal sac as this is used in the construction of female genitals.  


This procedure is quick, usually about 20 minutes, and patients go home the same day. Patients usually describe minimal discomfort and are back to work within a few days.


A scrotoplasty involves removing both testicles and the scrotal sac resulting in sterility and loss of testosterone. Androgen-blockers, as long as discussed with a prescribing physician, may be discontinued after surgery as well. This gender surgery is best for patients who aren't interested in undergoing a vaginoplasty due to the loss of scrotal tissue that is used as part of the vaginal graft and labia. However, it's important to note that if you do undergo a scrotoplasty the possibility of a full functioning vulva and vagina is an option down the road with the use of penile skin and colon.  


This procedure is quick, usually about 20 minutes, and patients go home the same day. Patients usually describe minimal discomfort and are back to work within a few days.  


A vulvoplasty consists of creating a vulva that includes a clitoral hood, clitoris, urethra, labia minora and labia majora. There is no vaginal canal created though a vaginal introitus dimple can be constructed, if desired. A vulvoplasty is a great surgical option for patients who are non-binary/non-conforming and feel that a vulvoplasty offers a result that is more gender affirming than a vaginoplasty.

Vaginoplasty Revisions

At Stiller Aesthetics, we welcome patients that may have had genital surgery at another location whether that is a vaginoplasty, vulvoplasty, orchiectomy or scrotoplasty. Dr. Stiller is extremely skilled in assisting and improving any complication or aesthetic adjustments you may desire. He will do his best to assure that your goals are met and you feel confident in your body.  

Common problems/aesthetic adjustments patients may seek help for:

If you are interested in learning more about what Dr. Stiller can do for you, set up your consultation today! We at Stiller Aesthetics welcome all patients who are transitioning or non-binary and are excited to be apart of your journey.  

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